Post by Anon on Nov 21, 2013 4:12:12 GMT
Hahahaha! This is the funniest description of the problem, ever. I understand you completely 100%, because I've been there (and still am there!). I actually tested negative for TMAU, though. I was so bewildered and saddened and so upset at God that I actually became an atheist. I don't think that's the ideal option, and I have no solutions as to how to cope with this awful smell, but I did want to write and let you know that you made a person that's often sad, honestly and truly laugh.
Post by zavier on Nov 24, 2013 21:35:10 GMT
To blame GOD for this not fair. He does care for you. How do you think you made it out of all those embarrassing moments. I know I've been there an still to this today. GOD gives us strength to carry on or He would care us thru. Have you ever read the poem foot prints. It's true to form. Don't lose your trust in GOD cause without Him where will we be.
Post by Chrisq on May 17, 2014 4:42:51 GMT
Life really sucks. I'm really sorry for the torment you are enduring. I have what seem to be insurmountable problems also. Two autistic sons, one of which is 25 and having to endure a lot of cruelty, rejection, and has been unemployed for 16 months. He's never had a friend in his life. My other son is so bad off that he will end up in an institution. Me, I just turned 60. I was widowed in 1994 and left with two children, ages 4 and 6. Since then, I have had 2 failed marriages (last on ended in 2006)and have resigned myself to being single since then. I have been unemployed for 9 months and have just about depleted my financial resources. Also, I seem to be losing my mental faculties.
I can't tell you how many times I have pleaded with God for help. I've asked many times what I'm doing wrong and why won't He answer. I guess He really doesn't give a shit about me (and maybe you). I know He does care about some people but perhaps we are not among the elect. One thing for sure, before I end up homeless I'm gonna pop a cap in my brain. I'm tired of life.
Post by samboy on May 24, 2014 15:41:18 GMT
If God does exist, then I think it's fair to blame him for everything that has gone wrong in this world. However, I doubt he exists anyway, so rather than putting blame on someone I don't believe exists, I cope by having hope for a future when body odor issues will no longer be much of a concern. A future where all sorts of body odor disorders are treated effectively and people have a much better understanding of how chronic/persistent body odor develops.
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"I'm just a regular person with an irregular life"
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Post by mona on Oct 14, 2014 16:30:12 GMT
samboy : God does exist, in my humble opinion. I believe what we go through has a purpose, but most people don't want to do something unless they know the purpose behind it. To get the answers, you have to look for God. I think only God can tell you why. I think life is not life at all. Well, what we have been lead to believe life is, might be a lie. I do not believe we are only here to be raised, get a college degree, get a job, reproduce, raise our kids, work til retirement, and then die. There has to be more to it. And for there to be 'more' there would have to be a God. Life is not about consuming and living and money and assets. There's gotta be more to it. There simply is more to it. Just look at the trees, animals, vegitation, the mountains, the stars, the galaxies, the planets. They all live and grow and do it all without money, jobs, the newest iPhone or hybrid cars :-) Everything in our universe works. Who makes it work? Sure, we have science to explain how gravity keeps us from falling off the earth and how rain happens ECT. Yet, science has yet to give a CLEAR explanation for exactly HOW our world and existance was formed. Doubt is enough to drop an opinion down to nothing but a theory. So then it all comes down to what you choose to BELIEVE. But remember, we only get ONE life. So choose well :-D -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Post by mona on Oct 14, 2014 17:32:08 GMT
Now, expanding on the theory that there is a God that allows FBO suffers pain and misery and doesn't care:
HE DOES CARE! God is awesome, and he loves us all! The thing about being a parent though is that it isn't easy. Being a kid isn't easy either.
Does anyone here remember being underaged at a bar? Anyone remember wanting to earn money for the things you want but not being old enough to work?
When you are a kid, you are NOT in control of your life and you are always subject to those who are older, wiser, smarter, stronger, bigger ect.
Here's the "Celestial Family tree" (well that's what I call it) if you believe in the God of the bible and the things that are said in the bible then this will make sense.
***************************** Father = God (God, Jesus, Holy Spirit) Evil Family Friend = Satan (Lucifer ect, Demons/fallen angels) Humanity = God's Kids Good Family Friends = Angels strickly in the service of God *****************************
We are God's children. All humans are. As children, we are subject and under the rule of either GOOD or EVIL. Choose a God other than the one in the bible and as a child you will be subjected to all the negativity/disease the evil side has to offer. Choose the God of the bible and you will be subjected to all the good God has to offer ... James 4:7 ESV "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
But let's review a couple key points in the bible where SIN and not truly repentanting caused some unwanted results:
Pharaoh enslaved the israelites. Slavery is wrong of course. God asks for his people to be set free. Paraoh refuses to obey God. ***Disobeying God = SIN*** God sends many plagues in order to get him to obey his command. FINALLY, he does and he admits he is wrong.
Then Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron. “This time I have sinned,” he said to them. “The Lord is in the right, and I and my people are in the wrong. Pray to the Lord, for we have had enough thunder and hail. I will let you go; you don’t have to stay any longer” (Exodus 9:27-28, NIV).
*BUT* He didn't truly repent. Which caused all the the punishment that followed. Pharaoh is the FIRST person in the bible to ask to be forgiven.
There were actually a few others who also asked God for His forgiveness, but, like Pharaoh, their repentance was not true. The first was Balaam (Numbers 22:34), then Achan (Joshua 7:20), and finally Saul (1 Samuel 15:24-26). Balaam later went back on his word, Achan and his family were stoned to death, and God rejected Saul as king over Israel.
So perhaps, the smell is a cause of a sin we have done in our lives? We will never know until we address the issue. I think going to church and asking for prayer every day is in order. Name ONE PERSON on the FBO proboards that is doing this! YOU CANT, because there are none.
Post by samboy on Oct 14, 2014 23:40:32 GMT
No, the smell is due to our body chemistry gone wrong. It has nothing to do with sin.
No one here can know how this existence has come about. You feel there has to be a "who" behind this whole universe, but just remember that the universe itself is mystifying and grand enough as it is. There doesn't have to be a "who" behind it. The universe may always have been.
As for whether or not God cares, well, I look to actions rather than just words that tickle one's ears. And I don't see any sign of love from God for anyone in the face of all this suffering and pain that goes on in this world, let alone see any sign that he actually exists exactly as how you believe him.
Yeah, this is the one life I'll have. And I have chosen wisely how to go about living it.
Post by Mark on Oct 15, 2014 0:48:31 GMT
"Ain't no angel gonna greet me. It's just you and I my friend." - I stole this from Bruce Springsteen's Philadephia
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Post by mona on Oct 15, 2014 15:04:05 GMT
samboy : I respect that for sure. No worries. You have the right to believe whatever you want. Just make sure you let OTHERS have the same courtesy. @guest : I would like to point out that in Alcoholics Annonymous, people are encouraged to pray to their higher power. Whatever that may be. You may ask yourself what the FBO Community has in common with Recovering Alcoholics? A LOT. The biggest similarity.. THE QUEST TO HEAL and REGAIN HOPE. Even if like samboy you don't believe in God.. Meditation and prayer is encouraged in AA. I feel Prayer and meditation is KEY for FBO. If you don't believe in a God then okay. But prayer/meditation goes a long way. Even attending AA meetings or attending AA meetings electronically (Via Telephone, or chat) can be very healing to FBO sufferers. My point is WE ALL NEED SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN, WE ALL NEED SUPPORT/HOPE/DREAMS The FBO community shares an attitude of deppression partly because they have lost hope. All I am attempting to do with all I say is to INJECT HOPE back into the lives of all those affected by this terrible disease. I pray, samboy that you find yourself again, become healed, positive, and regain HOPE :-) I pray this for everyone on this board. Positivy To all, -Mona
Post by samboy on Oct 15, 2014 20:45:17 GMT
Seems like you're assuming I need spiritual/psychological healing and that I'm not a positive person. Are you sure of that? That is a big judgement to make about me. And I certainly don't lack hope in life. Otherwise, I wouldn't finally be where I am today.
I advise you not to see people who disagree with the doctrines of your faith as people who are worse off than you (or as angry negative people), especially that it isn't faith itself that makes a person better, it's their personal life experiences that do.
I acknowledge your right to believe what you want for your own personal and spiritual growth, but if you are going to urge all to believe what you believe (regardless of how good your intentions may be), then you are naturally going to invite disagreement with your claims from people who don't believe, and aren't inclined to believe, what you believe. Just as you feel you have a reason to declare to everyone that Jesus is the one who saves, I have a reason to respond the way I am because I want you to try to see where some of us are coming from.
Just because we all suffer from a common problem that happens to be socially ostracizing doesn't mean that we must go along the exact same path to happiness. You have the right to believe what you believe, and others have the right to believe what they believe. Just as there are Christian members here, there are also likely to be Muslims, Buddhists, New Agers, and atheists and agnostics. Each member here is going to believe they have a different path to take.
Also, one other thing, and I say this because I used to be where you are now, it is very easy for emotionally vulnerable people like us to end up joining the first group of people who acknowledge our existence and are kind to us. I believe you are in what I call "the honeymoon phase" of your Christian spiritual life, and further down the track, it's possible that you might eventually be disillusioned from all this when you start to realize people are more complex than you may think.
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Post by mona on Oct 15, 2014 22:11:37 GMT
samboy : As you said about mysef assuming, you are also assuming I "joined the first group of people who acknowledged my existance and was kind to me". I have been attending church since I was a kid. I am nearing my 30's now, so that assumption while your intentions seem good is incorrect. I keep getting this feeling that you arent really who you say you are. You dont really talk about yourself much on this thread. Seems realy weirddddddddddd It's almost as if you have an agenda..
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Post by mona on Oct 15, 2014 22:18:04 GMT
Another thing samboy, the way I feel about God has nothing to do with wether or not "people are more complex than I think" Those comments, my boy, are fighting words. You seem real judgemental, another thing u also accused me of. I have nothing against you but your inability to respect my beliefs is really significant and shows that perhaps you are more focused on your ATHEIST agenda then being a positive and supportive individual on this site. WHICH IS SCARY, not to ME, but for anyone who listens to you and lets their mind become influenced by your words. You can not be "respectful" of someone's beliefs yet try and call their faith out as a "honeymoon stage". Sheesh my man, take a breather, walk away from the computer for a while and relax. If you disagree then lets agree to disagree and be done with the mess. But be sure of this.. I WILL NEVER become DISILLUSIONED with the faith I have grown with since childhood. It's ingrained in me and I enjoy it. If this bothers you then OH WELL. #JustSaying ! And I will always speak of the AWESOMENESS GOD DOES IN MY LIFE> for example yesterday my headlights both went out at night, in a high traffic area while police always patrol. I was 20 minutes from home. I prayed and asked God to pleae help me arrive home safely and not allow me to get a ticket ect. Guess what? A cop drove by my and didnt see me. It's as if I was invisible. samboy will argue that its because I was driving at night and didnt have headlights or that the cop wasnt paying attention. People like samboy will say anything. Here's the kicker, my brake light (only one) also went out, and the other one was working, so if a cop had seen my car from behind he would have seen that ... A) my registration AND breaklight are out and pulled me over. But I wasn't. WHY? because GOD is good I saw several cop cars pass me. Nothing happened. I reached home safely and didnt get pulled over and fixed the brakelight and headlight issue. God is GOOD Don't let people like samboy discourage you
Post by samboy on Oct 16, 2014 1:15:55 GMT
Discourage them from what? Please don't go all paranoia at me. I am not the devil trying to hurt you in some way. I am a fellow sufferer trying to put certain things for you in perspective, and so that other people who might be reading this will get to read different sides to the matter rather than being exposed to just one biased view that seems to condemn people who dare to state their disagreement with you regarding God's existence.
As for the car story, the cop just didn't notice something was wrong with your car. How is this a miracle from God? You understand cops don't unconditionally go out of their way to inspect every single detail of every car they pass by, right?
And I wasn't judging people by saying they were more complex than you may think. On the contrary, it means I don't see people as either with me or against me, either completely good or completely evil, and I certainly don't see every single person as a sinner in need of Jesus for salvation.
Also, please cease from calling me "your boy". For all you know, I could be older than you. After all, you still haven't reached your thirties. Plus, it's an insult either way.
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"I'm just a regular person with an irregular life"
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Post by mona on Oct 16, 2014 22:14:02 GMT
paranoia? not at all. just encouraging you to be encouraging
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"I'm just a regular person with an irregular life"
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Post by mona on Oct 16, 2014 22:23:11 GMT
samboy, I think you should encourage people to TRY things for themselves. Or encourage people to have their own mind. Not impose ur opinion. I have an opinion but dont down hunt people down via forum posts imposing my beliefs. an I ask why you are so oppositinal towards the idea of there being a GOD and not excepting in anyway? Most people from what i undestand who say there is no God have had a traumatic experience involving the "disillution" of their own faiths and thus have turned to simply telling themselves there isnt a god. Which is common with those who have FBO by the way, Agreeing to disagree and accepting peoples personal beliefs and ideas is how I operate. If you dont believe what I believe I say ok I dont see it the same but hey its your right to think what u want. You are over here trying to disprove me. That's how u are presenting yourself as an opponent. And to me Opponents are obstacles I shall overcome, via the beliefs I have. If you want to keep going with this then let me know, we can take this to the messages section so that we dont clutter the forum with such nonsense as arguing "Who's got the only righteous path, because true love is the only thing that will forever last" a quote taken from my favorite band SOJA. Love, acceptance, support, positivity is what Im about and what Im after. Educate me samboy , what are your beliefs and values as an atheist? I know the general spectrum of the whole thing but am interested in learning from u and exepting you I enjoy learning and getting to know new people. Thats what im about