samboyYou just proved my point.. How could millions of people be wrong regarding the existence of God? Like I said before, it's incredibly peculiar that science has yet to show proof on how our world was formed and how we were formed and if there is a God. Where there is doubt there is a possibility the theory could be true. Unfortunately for you, history and mythology support my theory. The belief in a god has always been present, whether it was a belief in many gods or in ONE God. The belief in a God has always been a constant. Even now it is, as you sit here thinking there is No God since I believe there is one. It has always and forever been a constant.
@@side Note@@
Loving people is something that doesn't and should Never need a reason! This type of thinking is why so many homeless, poor, displaced, hungry, sick people are suffering. It's sad that people have hardened their emotions and hearts and have wanted to have a "reason" to love others. Loving people isn't easy, I know. That's why it's so hard to love or show love to a stranger. But that doesn't mean we should need a reason or an invitation to love/help our fellow man.
Of course we should always use caution and common sense when dealing with people. Yet the last thing people need to hear is that they need to have a reason to love others. That's just plain ignorant, negative and is a very selfish way of operating. The FBO community should be all about sharing, love, healing, hope and support. If we were all the opposite of that this, the site would not exist and no cures/stories would be posted. And you would have nowhere to post
samboy. Remember that this site was created to help people. In a sense it was an act of compassion and love and positivity and wanting to find a cure that started this site. Not a reason. The type of thinking you described is very backwards and stops progress. If we all did what you described, I doubt any of us would ever find any support or cures.
I'm sorry
samboy, but everything you mentioned seems negative and is especially TOXIC thinking to the Fbo community because we already have so much negativity caused by this illness. We endure COMMENTS, dirty looks, discrimination, mistreatment and all sorts of things and your advice is "don't love people without having a reason".. As if that is going to make our world and realities and situations better.
I don't know where you are from but let me tell you; when someone needs ur help and you are there for them, they won't judge you on the smell. The person will simply remember that you were supportive, caring, kind, and if you are positive in your attitude they will recall that and smile.
The Last thing the Fbo community needs is to be told there is no God and to not love people without having a reason. Just because we experience negativity doesn't mean we should dish out the same attitude and need reasons to love people. We need to encourage others, believe in humanity, put the pain and past behind us and move forward.
Remember that...
"INSANITY Is doing the same thing and expecting different results"
This idea can be applied to the Fbo community concerning the above.. Which is.. Just because people don't show us love/compassion and just because OTHERS seem to need a reason to love us and won't love us if they can't find one, doesn't mean that we should do the same as them and still expect good results in our lives. Cause it doesn't work. Ask anyone who's ever gone down that road or is on it now like you are. Their lives are not all they could be because they have closed themselves off to love. Understand that to be loved you must love.
"it's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all"
The thing I see with a lot of men who have FBO is that they have very STRONG and negative under tones with/about everything/anything. I'm sorry to touch on this subject but is it because you don't have a gf? Or maybe u are divorced or in a loveless marriage or you have never had a relationship?
A lot of men get incredibly bitter and unhappy when a gf is missing from the equation or they have been rejected by the opposite sex in anyway, and become very cynical about everything.
I feel like you had belief in a God at some point but you had an event occur that shook your faith and made you look elsewhere for answers. You realized nothing really filled the void you were feeling and with out a partner or anyone to really show you any love you fell into atheism; and since men are rarely pitied or given any sympathy you opted for this cynical no non sense approach to life to protect yourself from rejection and pain. But you have found that things still don't make sense and you still don't have all the answers you need.
samboy, are you happy? I Am. And I know God is real because I can feel his presence. I have a peace and a joy that no one can remove, not even people like you who hunt down believers through the forum or people who mistreat me over this smell. Can you say the same about Atheism? I have this feeling of peace all the time. Even when things are bad I have a sense of security. It's wonderful for sure. God doesn't care if I smell. He loves me just the same as anyone else. And that's amazing to me!
Look my dude. love is what you need. And you have to give it to receive it. Let love in! Why don't you Try something new like showing love/support to this community? I guarantee that act alone will ha e u feeling good about yourself.
Obviously doing what you have been doing isn't working out too well for you. If it where u wouldn't be so unsupportive
samboy I have love for you despite the drama you are causing and I pray the people of this forum look at the facts and evidence coupled with their own opinions and seek out truth and not take my word or yours for it. That they find out who God really is on their own.
samboy, practice acceptance.
And no I don't think you are the devil as you mentioned in a previous post.
Can I ask how an ATHEIST knows about the devil? Or faries? What country are you from? What was ur faith before atheism?
Please tell us about urself.
I notice you never answer any of my questions... Why is that? Are you afraid to tell us about ur life?