I tried dating, many times, online dating.. I wouls talk to a girl (yes, lesbo here) and strike up a convo online (not funny one, I'm not too funny, I was before the smell) and we'd meet a few months later and usually the girl would end up dating me but she would always lie n cheat and still be into her ex. I was and have always been the rebound and I suspect its because of the odor, so I decided to instead of getting myself into yet ANOTHER bad relationship that I would just dedicate myself to stop being Gay and reading my bible while trying to cure this problem. Perhaps God will have mercy on me and cure me
who knows!
Point is most homosexuals are messed up people. There's only a very few "good apples" in the gay world. Most just want sex and adapt the world versions of the sex they best identify with; If they feel feminine they choose to be extremely CATTY and gossip a lot and only look out for Number ONE, if they identify with the male character they choose to be a horrible WOMANIZER who cheats and lies to women and hurts them ............ Then there's the girls who's mommie and daddy didn't give them enough love and are just looking for a replacement mom, oh my gosh and the lesbians they u-haul (I done that before! BIG MISTAKE!).
U-HAULing means..
After only the first or second date, You move in together!
And it happens ALL THE TIME in the gay community.
So u can see why I would want to leave that behind me.
My last relationship was with a girl (she's a girl because despite her 26 years of age she was extremely immature!) who lived in HAWAII.
So naturally, after 3 1/2 months of us talking all day everyday non stop and sleeping on the phone together and exchanging pictures and letters through the mail, she asked me to u-Haul it to hawaii, and I did.. Hoping that perhaps this relationship would finally be the end of all my loneliness, ect.
But NAY, it was NOT!
All the problems I had because of THE SMELL, this relationship just MAGNIFIED those PROBLEMs!
Long story short,
6 months of living together and planning to be married, one day sex stopped.
Sex stopped in month 4.
I asked why there was no sex, she said she wasn't feeling well.
month 5, still no sex, massive amounts of arguing.
Month 6, massive fight,
Then she simply leaves me for her ex from 5 yrs ago.
And she treats me like SH*T
Doesn't have the decency to pack her bags and leave me, she simply stays with me to see if she can salvage a relationship with me in case her ex ends up not working out.
I gave my all, I always do.
I cooked, cleaned, worked, provided for us and she helped provide too.
We were a team, then it was over.
And all my relationships are always like this.
A lot of sex the first 2 or 3 months, then it stops.
Maybe my sex drives too high, idk, that's what my last ex claimed but that's not true.
Basic point, I don't need people always using me as a back up.
To God I'm priority and He has always and Will always love me.
Jesus will never leave me for "someone else".